Saturday, February 12, 2011

My first blog post

Well this is it!!! I am starting a blog and am really excited about it. I just got done telling Corey that I am feeling bored lately and he suggested I take up a new hobby. So here it is-- my new hobby-- I am starting a blog. The purpose to me writing this blog is to let out anything/ everything I am feeling at the present moment. I think it is a good thing to write out your feelings. For me, and I am sure for many other people, it really lifts a weight of my shoulders to get things out of my head and onto paper or in this case a computer.

I have titled my blog Love the Moment. I have grown to love this short saying in the few years. Corey is a 'live every day to the fullest' kind of a guy and I adore that about him and want to live my life the same. One of my college roommates, Anna DeBower, got each of us roomies a coffee mug for Christmas one year. On the inside of the mug near the rim it says 'love the moment' and that is when I heard it for the first time or at least paid attention to it. Stacy had one of her friends make me a glass frame with 'Love the Moment' painted on. Basically I really like the saying. Okay enough about that. Just wanted everyone to know there was a purpose to my blog title-- because I want to live and love each and every moment!

Corey and I will be getting married in 490 days (1 year, 4 months and 4 days). We are not doing any more wedding planning until spring/ summer, and I have been extremely bored this winter. I think starting a blog will be good for me. I like to be creative, so I hope this will help me be more creative.

I love Saturdays. Actually I love the weekends. This morning I woke up shortly before 8 (felt good to sleep in). I picked up my room a little, had some breakfast and a cup of coffee then headed to Lifetime with my mom to do our favorite class- Cardio Kickboxing. It is a great way to start the weekend off getting a good workout in. I plan to get some cleaning done today and hopefully put a good dent in the book I am reading- The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. Tonight Corey and I are going on a Valentine's date- Benihana!! Yum yum. I am excited for it and excited to go on a much needed date with my fiance.


  1. Looks good!
    I keep trying to love the moment, but the moment is already over every time I try.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! Just wait, it gets so addicting!
