Monday, February 28, 2011

Flat Tire

Poor Corey. He got a flat tire on his way home from work today.

Corey and I were planning on going out to dinner at Noodles and then going to see The King's Speech tonight. We were both looking forward to our date. Corey called me when he left work after 6 and was in such a great mood. He said he had to go fill the front tire before picking me up because it was low and his dad thought there was a slow leak. We got off the phone and a couple minutes later he called me back and said he had a flat tire and had to pull over.

An hour and a half later a cranky Corey called me to tell me he was on his way home.

After he soaked his freezing feet in the tub for a few minutes and changed into a new pair of jeans, new graphic shirt and new sweatshirt (that I bought for him at American Eagle today and surprised him with) he was back to a good mood- despite being extremely tired. We finally went to Applebee's at 9 to have dinner. Turned out to be a great dinner and added bonus everything was half off as it was after 9pm! I love good deals!!!

Turned out to be an okay night! Flat tires are never fun though.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Double Date Night

Last night Corey and I had a great time on a double date with his friend from college, Coty, and his girlfriend, Kristin.

We ate dinner at Mongo's Grill. Last time Corey and I ate there I must've mixed some weird sauces because I did not like it. This time I followed one of the recommended sauce mixtures and really liked my stir fry! Leftovers on Monday will be delicious.

After dinner we decided to go to Dave and Busters. We had a lot of fun playing the games and cashed in our tickets at the end for two shot glasses. Drinks are expensive there, so we only stayed for one drink. We headed to Wild Bills next and pushed our way through many twenty something's who were drunk and dancing and finally reached the bar. Ladies got one drink free and the boys paid $2.50 each for a Rum and Coke. Better prices, but the crowd was a little unbearable as we were hoping to sit down and chat. After downing those drinks while being pushed and shoved, we headed across the street to Malone's where we got a table, cheap drinks and a late night snack- wings and waffle fries! Third times a charm.

It was fun to bar hop around Maple Grove and our double date night was a lot of fun! We had a great time getting to know Kristin better too.

Monday, February 21, 2011


One of the greatest things about Minnesota is the change of seasons. I also find humor in the unpredictable weather we seem to always have. It can be 50 and sunny one day and 20 and snowing the next. Change is a good thing and you certainly get it here.

Last week we had high temperatures in the 40's. It was so great! I can finally see over the snow banks on the roads to make sure cars aren't coming whereas a couple weeks ago I just had to hope nobody was coming as I pulled out onto a street. I love the signs of Spring on the way. Snow melting, birds chirping, happier people, etc.

Well all of that changed in a matter of 24 hours when we got 16 inches of snow yesterday! Corey and I were at a friend's cabin on Leech Lake this past weekend. We left early which was a good decision because we didn't hit any bad roads until we were almost home. I was home at 2pm yesterday and didn't leave my house again!

More often than not I get really upset when we have a huge snowfall. However, today being President's Day, I have the day off! Hopefully the roads are all cleared up before tomorrow's commute to work. This winter I have had many bad drives to and from work. The record was just under 3 hours it took me to get home when it normally takes me 45-55 minutes (30 minutes with no traffic). Needless to say, I am excited to move in with Corey before next winter- somewhere closer to work.

Back to the cabin weekend. There were 15 of us at Lauren's cabin. On top of that-- 5 dogs. I LOVED it!! Five dogs of different breeds and ages. I love Jer and Sarah's dog-- an Old English Mastiff- Bella who is 115 pounds. She towered over the other dogs- Lauren's is the next biggest- a black lab named Millie. I am realizing that I like big dogs much more than little dogs. After living with Luka, a 100 pound German Shepherd, for a school year and spending the weekend playing with Bella, I have decided I would want a big dog. We had a great time at the cabin- ice fishing, small town bars (in which the locals liked to call our group 'cidiots'), a keg of ice cold beer, good food and lots of laughs!

I always love getting away for a weekend and having fun! By Sunday, though, we were excited to get home to shower and sleep in our own beds. My mom has a saying on the wall in the kitchen that says "The best journey always takes us home." It is so true. I enjoy getting away, but I LOVE coming home.

Time to get up and enjoy my day off!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love makes everything lovely

This is the first Valentine's Day that I really realized how many haters of this day there are. I guess I've never thought of Valentine's Day as a day to celebrate only the love between your significant other. Valentine's Day, in my opinion, is a day for everyone to celebrate the love they have in all of their relationships- family and friends included. I suppose I feel everyone should be able to have their opinions and express them freely, but don't disrespect people who do find happiness in this day and more importantly don't make them feel silly about liking it.

♥ If you're not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love ♥  This little saying I found on Hollie's facebook wall. I love it and completely agree. 

Saturday night Corey and I had a perfect Valentine's date topped with stuffed bellies from Benihana, a Disney classic, The Lion King, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my dresser right now. It was one of those nights in which conversation was great and we had a lot of fun just being together. I sometimes forget how in love with Corey I am. He is my best friend and I feel very luckyWe decided to celebrate on Saturday due to it being impossible to get a reservation for actual Valentine's Day at Benihana. That was okay though. I enjoyed our date night and that left tonight open for a quick dinner (Taco Bell) and a movie (No Strings Attached). I really enjoyed the movie and another fun night out with Corey! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My first blog post

Well this is it!!! I am starting a blog and am really excited about it. I just got done telling Corey that I am feeling bored lately and he suggested I take up a new hobby. So here it is-- my new hobby-- I am starting a blog. The purpose to me writing this blog is to let out anything/ everything I am feeling at the present moment. I think it is a good thing to write out your feelings. For me, and I am sure for many other people, it really lifts a weight of my shoulders to get things out of my head and onto paper or in this case a computer.

I have titled my blog Love the Moment. I have grown to love this short saying in the few years. Corey is a 'live every day to the fullest' kind of a guy and I adore that about him and want to live my life the same. One of my college roommates, Anna DeBower, got each of us roomies a coffee mug for Christmas one year. On the inside of the mug near the rim it says 'love the moment' and that is when I heard it for the first time or at least paid attention to it. Stacy had one of her friends make me a glass frame with 'Love the Moment' painted on. Basically I really like the saying. Okay enough about that. Just wanted everyone to know there was a purpose to my blog title-- because I want to live and love each and every moment!

Corey and I will be getting married in 490 days (1 year, 4 months and 4 days). We are not doing any more wedding planning until spring/ summer, and I have been extremely bored this winter. I think starting a blog will be good for me. I like to be creative, so I hope this will help me be more creative.

I love Saturdays. Actually I love the weekends. This morning I woke up shortly before 8 (felt good to sleep in). I picked up my room a little, had some breakfast and a cup of coffee then headed to Lifetime with my mom to do our favorite class- Cardio Kickboxing. It is a great way to start the weekend off getting a good workout in. I plan to get some cleaning done today and hopefully put a good dent in the book I am reading- The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. Tonight Corey and I are going on a Valentine's date- Benihana!! Yum yum. I am excited for it and excited to go on a much needed date with my fiance.