Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School

Corey had his first night of class tonight at St. Thomas. His class is Organizational Behavior. He was really excited to tell me all about it that he called me on his way home. I reminded him that we live together and he can just tell me about it in twenty minutes when he gets home. I just love that we are living together now!

While Corey was at class tonight I had a very enjoyable evening. After work I went to Lifetime and had a great core workout. Shannon came over after dinner to venture around my new neighborhood with me. Our walk was great and we saw a lot of gorgeous, new houses. After Shannon left, I put a disk of Friends in the DVD player, plopped down on my couch with a glass of milk and two delicious peanut butter cookies and pressed play! Three episodes later, I heard the garage door open. Yay- Corey is home!

Since I didn't see Corey before he left for school today, I decided to take a few pics of him tonight when he got home from his first day. I just love the cheesy first day of school poses he gave me.

Happy hump day everybody!!! I love a four day work week.

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