Thursday, July 14, 2011


Yesterday afternoon at work I took this deep breath to let some pressure off my shoulders. I’m not sure what is wrong with me lately. I feel anxious. Days and weeks have been going much faster than they usually do. This year feels weird not having a summer vacation or time to relax in between school years. I didn’t feel this way last summer because I started my ‘big girl job’ toward the end of August which felt the same as heading back to school. I think I just realized how much life has snuck up on me. I am going to be 23 in about a month. I used to think that sounded old, not so much anymore. How does life go so fast!!!?

I miss the days of scraped up knees, tangled hair, one can of pop a day and endless hours of playing outside in the summertime. Life isn’t about being carefree anymore. The constant thoughts on my mind lately include: am I able to get a workout in today, what do I need to plan next for the wedding, do I need to contact our mortgage officer or realtor for our townhouse closing, how can I advance at work, how can I improve in my relationships, when can I have a moment of peace to myself. 

I’m not trying to complain or anything. I love all the positive things happening in my life right now. It’s just weird how you learn to appreciate different things as you get older. No longer am I counting down the days until my birthday or Christmas vacation, but rather the days until Corey and I move in together or the days until we get married. Believe me these things are just as exciting as what I used to get excited about, but it’s a different kind of excited. When you’re a kid everything just works out and you don’t have to put any of the work in. Being an adult is just so different. I can get excited for things like our wedding and our townhouse, but it takes a lot of work to get to those things. I guess I’m just feeling like life isn’t always easy… but it is well worth it.

Among the many things I am appreciative of, today I have the day off!!! While Daina is home and Chad and Jamie's days left in Minnesota are getting fewer, a day off to spend time with Daina and Jamie is very necessary and exciting! The weather didn't quite cooperate for us to have our planned day at the pool, but we will make the best of it. It is so nice to sleep in some this morning, get some laundry done, get a good workout in and have a fun day ahead!! 

Happy Thursday!!! 

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