Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Perfect Evening

Today was a fast drive home- it only took me 40 minutes to get from work to Lifetime in Maple Grove. I quickly changed into my workout clothes and whipped through my ten minute ab routine before hopping back in my car to park near Rice Lake for a walk/ run. I have to get to the gym 12 times/ month in order to receive the $20 off each month, so I like to swipe my card and do something fast in the gym but leave my cardio routine for the outdoors. I can't get enough of being outside when it is SO beautiful like today. 

Rice Lake is about 3.2 miles around (a 5k) and I ran about one mile of that tonight. It felt good to get my heart pumping and work up a good sweat. There were so many people on the trails tonight. I love seeing everyone in great moods- walking their dogs, biking with their kids, running to some tunes, walking hand in hand with their S.O. (significant other)- it all just makes me happy too! 

After my walk/ run I went to Target. Oh how I love/ hate Target. There is something to say about a store that has everything (I love) and a store that I can never walk out of without spending about $40 - $50 (I hate). It was a quick trip and I got everything I went for, and of course my total was $43.20. 

I had a workout done and my errands finished by 6:30 tonight! Corey was waiting for me to finish everything so we could get together for a bite to eat. After a brief moment of thinking we might make something ourselves, we decided to go out to eat. I am feeling like we are going to be in trouble when we live together if we can never think of what the eat. We will have to get better at planning meals. Anyway, we decided to have Solo's Pizza for dinner. If you haven't eaten there, you need to try it! Corey gets The Big Tony- red sauce, meat and other goodness. I usually select a red sauce pizza as well, but tonight I decided to go with Chad's favorite and recommendation-- The White Hen. This is made with Solo's white garlic sauce instead of red sauce and has great flavor. 

I suggested we eat on the patio, but Corey had a better idea. We took the pizzas to go and ate on the patio at his house. Corey's parents live on Fish Lake. It was a perfect night for dinner outside. We turned on K102, grabbed something to drink (me an Arnie Palmer, Corey a beer) and sat down to enjoy our pizzas! The weather was perfect so we refilled our beverages and sat for about an hour outside just enjoying the night and talking. 

Now it is almost 10:30 and I am in bed ready for a good night sleep. I just can't say it enough- tonight was PERFECT and I am so happy. That's pretty good for a Wednesday. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so Corey and I are going to a movie. It is still a toss up as to what movie we'll see- Bridesmaids or Transformers. We are still debating on who got to pick the last movie we saw in theaters which will determine what movie we see this time. 


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